Monday, August 31, 2009

Planting more seeds of disciplemaking

In our time in Rwanda, I would say that August 'was the month that was.' And the third week of August was the week that was. I think the week-long training workshop in obedience-based disciplemaking had a tremendous impact on at least ninety-five people from 19 countries who met in Kigali, Rwanda.

Sentences like, 'Unbelievers do not want your religion' and '...we don't do personal evangelism...' or 'The two greatest killers of church planting movements are paid pastors and church buildings...' challenged us to the core and forced us to 'unlearn' many of our cherished opinions and practices. The teaching text is the Bible only, not the Bible plus. After the first day of the workshop, Peter Donkor of Ghana said, "I am here for two purposes: 1) to unlearn ineffective practices and 2) to learn a better way.

From the planting of the fresh seeds of disciplemaking the way Jesus taught his disciples, may God by the power of His Spirit bring forth abundant fruit all across the Bright Continent.

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